Juno's Story of Jipsie and Jip.

ONE of the stories which Juno related to Georgie, in order to explain to him what the word hypocrisy meant in the verse which says that " the wisdom from above is full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy," was what she called the story of Jipsie and Jip.

She told him this story as they were walking along together through the woods, coming home from the expedition which they had made to the pond in the woods in order to obtain polliwogs, little fishes, skippers and other such animals, for Georgie to put in his aquarium.

Georgie had secured the animals, and now he was bringing them home, in his little tin pail which he held in his hand. There was a cover upon the pail to prevent the water and the animals from being spilled out.

The animals were, in fact, kept from actually being jolted out of the pail by means of the cover) but they were so much shaken about within it, by the swinging of Georgie's arm, and the oscillations and other sudden movements of his body, as he walked along, that they could not tell what to make of it. They could not imagine where they were, or what was going to happen to them.

They were very much perplexed, too, with the darkness which had come upon them so suddenly ; for the cover was shut down so closely that there was not a crevice left for the least gleam of light to get in. It was darker than any of the animals had ever known it to be before, even in the darkest nights.

" Once there was a girl," said Juno, beginning her story, " and her name was Jipsie."

" That's a funny name," said Georgie. "Yes," said Juno, "and what is funnier still she had a little dog named Jip. She and her dog were almost always together, and when the other children saw them coming, they used to say, ' Here comes Jipsie and Jip.'"

" What kind of a dog was it?" asked Georgie.

" It was a small black dog," Juno said, " with a glossy back and long silken ears. Instead of a collar Jipsie put a ribbon round his neck, and tied it in a bow under his chin.

" Jipsie's father bought the dog for her, and paid half a dollar for him. That was a good deal for him to pay, for he was not rich. He was a carpenter and worked by the day. He had a dollar and a half a day for his work, and it took the whole of the dollar every day to pay the necessary expenses of the family. So that to buy Jip it used up all the savings of a whole day's hard work, from morning to night.

" Jipsie ought to have thought of this, and to be thankful to her father for the long day's work there was in Jip. But instead of this she was discontented because Jip had not any collar. A collar would cost half a dollar more, that is another long day's work, from her father. But her father had other things to buy with the savings of the other day's work, and so he told her he could not afford to buy Jip a collar.

"Jipsie was very much out of humor at this, and for several days she was very cross. " At last one day, when she was going through the village with Jip, she saw another dog, belonging to a boy that she knew, and this other dog had a very pretty brass collar round his neck, with the name of the dog and the name of the boy cut upon it, in very pretty letters, and a padlock to fasten it below.

"Jipsie at first felt very much pleased to see this collar, and then she began to feel much displeased, and very cross, to think that she had no collar for her dog.

"'I must have such a collar for Jip,' she said, 'and you see if I don't contrive some way to get one.'

"The boy told her that he thought the ribbon round Jip's neck looked very pretty, and he thought it was almost as pretty as a collar. But Jipsie said that a ribbon was not good for anything at all. She could not have Jip's name on it, she said, nor her own, so that if he got lost at any time the people that found him would not know who he belonged to.

"'Besides,' she said, 'a ribbon fastened with a knot is no safety. Anybody could untie the knot, or cut the ribbon with a pair of scissors.'

" So she said she must have a collar for her dog, and she was determined to contrive a way to get one. The way that she concluded to try was hypocrisy. That is a way by which people very often get what they want in this world."

" How did she do it ?" asked Georgie.

" She did it by pretending to be very good," said Juno. " Her father used to come home every night from his work wheeling his tools home upon a wheelbarrow. He would stop at the shop-door and put his tools in, and then put the wheelbarrow away in the place where it belonged, under a stoop; and then he would come into the house, and put on his slippers, and take his seat by the corner of the fire, in a big chair, and read the newspaper, while his wife was getting supper ready. Sometimes Jipsie would interrupt and trouble him a good deal while he was reading, by making a noise in playing with Jip, and he would often have to speak to her several times before she would be still.

" But now she determined to be an excellent good girl, and try to please her father as much as she could, and then ask him for some money to buy a collar.

" So she went to the shop-door when the sun went down, and waited there till her father came. The shop was very near the house, just across a pretty yard, with one door on the street and one door on the yard. Jipsie waited at the street door of the shop. and when her father came she told him that she would put the tools in for him, and that he might go into the house at once.

" ' Oh, you can't put them in, Jipsie,' says her father.

" ' Oh, yes I can, father,' says Jipsie, ' I can put them in just as well as not. I'll put them all carefully on the bench, and then I'll wheel the wheelbarrow away. You have been working hard all day, and I know you must be very tired, so you can go into the house and read your newspaper. I've put the slippers there all ready for you.'

"Jipsie's father could not imagine what had happened to make his girl so good all at once. He would not leave her to put the tools in alone, but he let her help him ; and when they were all carried in, and the wheelbarrow was put in its place, he went into the house, and there he found his chair placed all ready by the chimney corner, with the newspaper in it, and his slippers on the hearth close by.

"Jipsie came in with him, and when he began to read his paper, she sat down in the other corner, and took her sewing and began to work, and made Jip lie down quietly at her feet.

" It was something very extraordinary for Jipsie to take her work, of her own accord, and her father wondered what it could mean.

" ' Jipsie,' said he, ' what a good girl you are! I shall have a nice time reading my newspaper.'

" ' Yes, father,' said Jipsie, ' I knew you would like to have me be still, and so I am going to be as still as I can.'

" The little hypocrite!"

" Yes," said Georgie, " she was a hypocrite, I think. But did she get her collar by it ?"

" No," said Juno. " I'll explain to you presently how it happened, but first you had better sit down here on this stone and see if all your polliwogs and wrigglers are alive."

So Georgie sat down upon a stone by the wayside and took off the lid from the tin pail. This let in a sudden flood of light upon the animals, and set them all to swimming about in the most active manner. " Yes," said Georgie, " they are all alive."' " But now," he continued, " tell me about the collar. Why did not Jipsie get it ?

"Ah, she repented of her hypocrisy that night," said Juno. "You see it was Saturday night, and always on Saturday night her mother used to teach her a verse, to say at the Sunday-school the next day. Now it happened that the verse that evening was this:

" ' Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.'

" Jipsie said this verse a good many times to her mother, and after she went to bed the meaning of it came to her mind. She thought that though she might deceive her father by a false outward appearance, God could not be deceived in that way, but would look straight into her heart, and would see and understand all her cunning and hypocrisy. So she determined to give up the attempt to get a collar for Jip in that way, and to be a good girl thenceforth from an honest motive.

"She was afterwards glad, on the whole, not to have a collar for Jip, for fear that it would wear away the hair in some degree from his smooth and glossy neck. The hair on his neck was so soft and silken that she could not bear to have it worn away, even for the sake of a collar with names engraved on it."

On to chapter 6

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Scanned by Deidre Johnson for her 19th-Century Girls' Series website; please do not use on other sites without permission