Dime Novel Round-Up
Contents of recent issues:
December 2001 :
James Otis: A Comprehensive Bibliography (by John Kaler)
Reviews: The Argosy Index, 1896-1943 and Book of the Dead: Friends of Yesteryear: Fictioneers & Others
October 2001 :
Hubert Rogers in the Pulps (by John Bell)
Four Royal Historians of Oz [L. Frank Baum, Ruth Plumly Thompson, John R. Neill, Jack Snow] (by Alan Pickrell)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 30 (by Richard Bleiler)
Was John Wilkes Booth a Reader of Dime Novels (rpt. of "Booth and Bad Literature," Youth's Companion, May 1865 (courtesy of Pat Pflieger)
Who Was Lieut. Lionel Lounsberry, or, What's in a House Name (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews: Youth, Popular Culture, and Moral Panics and Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks, 1849-1905, vol. 5
August 2001 :
Rutherford G. Montgomery's Kent Barstow Series (by David K. Vaughan)
Jack Lightfood and Other Rivals of Frank Merriwell (by J. Randolph Cox)
The Dime-ing of a Novel: How Balle-Franche Was Transformed into [Gustave Aimard's] Prairie-Flower (by Mary Eggermont-Molenaar)
Obituary: Margaret Sutton
June 2001 :
Dime Novel Sketches: Sunnyside Series
Albert Aiken in Context: Science and the Races of the Americas (by John Nickel)
The Pseudonymous Ghost [Mildred Wirt Benson and Nancy Drew Hidden Staircase] (by Geoff Lapin)
April 2001:
Dime Novel Sketches: Surprise Series
Jacob Abbott's "Jonas Books" and the Construction of an 1840s Middle-Class Boyhood (by Lorinda B. Cohoon)
New Evidence in the Authorship of Nancy Drew [Secret of the Old Clock] (by Ilana Nash)
Stephen Angus Douglas Cox, Dime Novelist [rpt. of obituary from Humboldt Union, 1944]
Reviews of Frost [Donald Wandrei]; In the Stone House; Bottled in Blonde;
Long Live the Dead
February 2001:
Dime Novel Sketches: Eureka Series
Where in the World is Putnam Hall; or, Who in the World Cares? [Rover Boys] (by John T. Dizer)
Theodore Roscoe: Sublime Wordmaster (by Rocco Musemeche)
Dime Novels (by Frank R. Adams) [rpt. Green Book Magazine, 1916]
Reviews of Zorro: The Masters Edition, vol. I;
Hawk's Authors' Pseudonyms III;
December 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sunset Series
James Otis Kaler: A Biographical Sketch (by John Kaler)
Harry Castlemon: an Author's Own Letters for Sale, 1941 (by Joel S. Cadbury)
Reviews of The Adventure House Guide to the Pulps;
The John W. Campbell Letters with Isaac Asimov and A. E. van Vogt;
Pioneers of Wonder; The Far North and Beyond
[No supplement]
October 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Empire Series
Sherlock Holmes in the Claws of Confidence Men;
or, The Misadventures of a World Detective (by Nils Nordberg)
Egalitarian Elizabeth Ann? Women and Society in
Josephine Lawrence's Elizabeth Ann Series (by Deidre Johnson)
The Afterlife of Ellis' Seth Jones (by Mary Eggermont-Molenaar)
Ned Buntline's Corner (by Robert D. Pepper)
Review of Dime Novel Companion
August 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Fireside Series
When I Grow Up, I Want to Move to River Heights, USA, Too:
The Male Psyche and Nancy Drew (by Michael G. Cornelius)
Frank, Joe, and Nancy: Machiavelli for Minors? (by Alan Pickrell)
Ned Buntline's Corner (by Robert D. Pepper)
The Pulp Fiction of Leslie McFarlane: A Preliminary Checklist, pt. 2 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of Arkham's Masters of Horror
Dime Novel Companion Corrigenda
June 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Home Series
Investigating a Dime Novel Mystery: Philip S. Warne (by Marlena Bremseth)
Back to the Big Easy: PCA Report, 2000 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Happy Hours Brotherhood Membership List
The Pulp Fiction of Leslie McFarlane: A Preliminary Checklist (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Radio's Captain Midnight; Pa sporet av Froken Detektiv
[On the Trail of Nancy Drew]
April 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: Peerless Series
Gustave Aimard's Fiction: Reality and Friction (by Mary Eggermont-Molenaar)
Stratemeyer and His Villains (by John T. Dizer)
Dime Bibliographical Notes: Gustave Aimard: Two Books [Prairie-Flower and
The Frontiersmen] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Ned Buntline's Corner [Judson genealogy](by Robert D. Pepper)
Feb. 2000:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Library
Thomas Monstery's Dime Novels about Dueling (by James L. Evans)
The Subterranean Connection: Caves, Tunnels, and Underground Rooms in Juvenile Series Books (by Frank W. Quillen)
Ned Buntline's Corner [Judson genealogy](by Robert D. Pepper)
Reviews of Science Fiction of the 20th Century: An Illustrated History;
Jingrim and the Devil at Ludd;
Dec. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Stories of Thrilling Adventure
Working-Class Boys and the Dime Novels They Read (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
The War and the WAC: Bernadine Bailey's "Youngest WAC" Series (by David K. Vaughan)
Ned Buntline's Corner [overview of biographies of Buntline](by Robert D. Pepper)
Reviews of The Metal Man and Others: The Collected Stories of Jack Williamson;
The Queen of the Legion; Kaldar, World of Antares
Dec. supplement: Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1998 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Western Star Series
When Dick Turpin Rode Again: A Look at the Newnes Dick Turpin Library Series (by Geoffrey Tolle)
Nancy Drew and the Clue of the Chubby Chum [weight and body image in Nancy Drew] (by Mary Linehan)
A Stratemeyer Bouquet [including reprint of a 1946 biographical article on Stratemeyer
from Elizabeth Daily Record] (by Peter Walther)
Ned Buntline's Corner (by Robert D. Pepper)
Review of Keys to Other Doors
Aug. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sea Shore Library
George Vaux Bacon: Forgotten Writer, Intriguing Person (by Richard Bleiler)
Dime Novels: A Vigorous Defense by a Writer of Them [reprint of Frederick Whittaker letter to the
New York Tribune, 1884]
The Dime Novel: Its Origin, Growth and Influences--Reminiscences of Mayne Reid (by E. W. M.) [rpt. of an 1884 newspaper article]
Fulminations [on Legend television series, about a dime novelist] (by J. Randolph Cox & Sam Sherman)
Reviews of A Collector's Guide to Hardcover Boys' Series; or, Tracing the Trail of Harry Hudson
and Tony Pastor Presents: Afterpieces from the Vaudeville Stage
June 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Boys' Comic Library
Life Upon the Wicked Stage; or, Judy, Mickey, Let's Put on a Show! [theater in series books] (by Alan Pickrell)
Adventure on the Newsstands: A Survey of the Street and Smith Magazines (by Darrel Richardson)
[PCA] Convention Report: San Diego Sessions
Fulminations [on Legend television series, about a dime novelist] (by J. Randolph Cox & Sam Sherman)
Reviews of Zorro Unmasked and The W. F. Cody Buffalo BIll Collector's Guide with Values
Apr. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Bon-Ton Library
The Little Colonel and the World She Lived In:
The Fiction of Anne Fellows Johnston (by John T. Dizer)
Membership List
From the Archives: An Interview with Captain Jack Crawford About Ned Buntline
Reviews of Horatio Alger Books Published by The New York Book Company;
Sports in the Pulp Magazines; Scarlet Riders: Pulp Fiction Tales of the Mounties;
The Witch's Tale
Feb. 1999:
Dime Novel Sketches: Munro's Library of Popular Novels
Frederick Whittaker and His Dime Novels about Fictitious Satanta County, Texas (by James L. Evans)
Girl Fliers in a World of Guys: Three 1930s' Girls Juvenile Aviation Series [Ruth Darrow, Roberta Langwell, Linda Carleton] (by David K. Vaughan)
Stratemeyer's Ghostwriters: A Preliminary Catalogue Based on Information from the New York Public Library (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Fulminations [on Legend television series, about a dime novelist] (by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
Hints for Users of Special Collections
Reviews of The Mysterious Case of Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys and Hired Pens
Dec. 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Our Lucky Series
Back to the Farm: The Rural Life in Juvenile Literature (by John T. Dizer)
Bits from the Beinecke: More about [Stratemeyer] Syndicate Ghostwriters (by Deidre Johnson)
The Secret of the Old Books: A Reflection on the Value and Enjoyment
of Series Books (by David M. Baumann)
Reviews of Coekie's Classics and At the Stroke of Midnight
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1997 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Marguerite Series
Flying Death at Montauk Point [Dick Merriwell] (by Edward and Karen Lauterbach)
The Johannsen Collection at the Northern Illinois University Libraries (by Samuel T. Huang)
Conference Report: Pulpcon 27 (by Richard Bleiler)
Stratemeyer Salmagundi (by Geoffrey Lapin)
Fulminations: Being Further Comments and Annotations to the Episodes in the Saga of Legend (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of Louisa May Alcott: From Blood & Thunder to Hearth & Home
Aug. 1998:
Medal and New Medal Library: Bibliographic Listing (compiled by Edward T. LeBlanc; based on
original research by J. P. Guinon; edited by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
June 1998:
Pulp Magazine Sketches: Black Mask
Black Mask and the Origins of the Hard-Boiled Detective: An Anthropologist's View (by Frank A. Salamone)
Reading Dime Novels (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
Convention Report: A Disney Good Time [PCA/ACA 1998] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of Detective and Mystery Fiction
April 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Alger Series
The Perverted Professoriate in Recent College Girls' Fiction (by Mary Linehan)
Edward Stratemeyer: According to Harriet Adams (by Richard Gallagher)
A Look into the Private Life of Harriet Stratemeyer Adams (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Fulminations: When "Legend" Met "Legend" (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Tom Swift, the Bobbsey Twins and Other Heroes of American Juvenile Literature;
Nancy Drew and Company: Culture, Gender, and Girls' Series; and Pulp Culture: The Art of
Fiction Magazines
Feb. 1998:
Dime Novel Sketches: Aldine Series
Death and Ghosts: The Ellery Queen Paperback Originals (by Francis M. Nevins)
Rider Haggard's Female Characters: From Goddess of the Cave to Goddess of the Screen (by Alan Pickrell)
Stratemeyer Salmagundi (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Reviews of Wanted Dead or Alive: The American West in Popular Culture and The Door Below
Dec. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Savoy Series
Mayne Reid's Novels about His Experiences in the Mexican War (by James L. Evans)
From Appomattox to Germany: Percy Keese Fitzhugh and American History (by John T. Dizer)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox and Sam Sherman)
Reviews of Pulp Art: Original Cover Paintings for the Great American Pulp Magazines;
Don't Dream: The Collected Horror and Fantasy Fiction of Donald Wandrei;
and Louisa May Alcott on Race, Sex, and Slavery
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1996 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Keystone Series
The Secret Origin of the Dana Girls (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Young Wild West at the Movies Once More: or, Further Notes on the 'Young Wild West' Silent Film Series
(by Victor A. Berch)
Bert Salg: A Preliminary Checklist (by Walter Albert)
Conference Report: On, Wisconsin! [Defining Print Culture for Youth](by Kathleen Chamberlain)
Conference Report: Pulp Collectors, Assemble! [Pulpcon 26] (by Richard Bleiler)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Aug. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Ivy Series
The Story Paper Detective Goes to the Theater (by Dawn Fisk Thomsen)
The Robert E. Howard Fight Stories (by John A. Dinan)
Dime Novel Collectors I Have Known (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Edward Stratemeyer's Final Legacy (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
Review of Reading the West: An Anthology of Dime Novel Westerns
June 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: Seaside Library
From the Beinecke Collection: The Axelrad Notebooks (by Geoffrey S. Lapin)
William A. Rogers, Harper's Young People, and James Otis (by David K. Vaughan)
Convention Report: Remembering the Alamo . . . Again [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Pioneers, Passionate Ladies, and Private Eyes: Dime Novels, Series Books,
and Paperbacks and The Encyclopedia of Fantasy
Apr. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: Seaside Library (Ordinary Edition)
Justin Jones: A Probable Publishing Sequence of His 'Harry Hazel' Novelettes Appearing
in The Star Spangled Banner (by Peter C. Walther)
Celebrity Mourners at a Brooklyn Funeral [for Francis S. Street] (by Robert D. Pepper)
Our Popular Publishers, No. 6: Arthur Westbrook (by J. Randolph Cox)
Author! Author! [on A. B. Tozer] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Wild Bill Hickok: The Man and the Myth and The Max Brand Companion
Feb. 1997:
Dime Novel Sketches: Circling the Globe Series
Jules Verne, Bracebridge Hemyng, and Edward Stratemeyer: A Case of Nineteenth-Century
Plagiarism (by James D. Keeline)
By Way of Explanation . . . [accompanying 1870 newspaper clipping "Letter from Buffalo
Bill"] (by Robert D. Pepper)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of The Jules Verne Encyclopedia; The Eye above the Mantel and Other Stories;
and The Darkling Tide
Dec. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Mrs. L. T. Meade Series
Theodore Dreiser and His Street and Smith Circle (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Researching the Boys' Own Library: A Street and Smith Experiment (by John T. Dizer)
Adventure Parade [Erle Stanley Gardner, Theodore Roscoe, and Edgar Rice Burroughs] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by Sam Sherman and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of The Feminist Alcott: Stories of a Woman's Power and
The Last Pin
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1995 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Alger's Library (Westbrook)
Dick Merriwell's Terrorflying Mystery (by Edward and Karen Lauterbach)
Jesse James at Northfield: A Folkloristic Study (by Joseph L. Mbele)
Conference Report [Pulpcon 25] (by Richard Bleiler)
Adventure Parade [George Worts] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by Sam Sherman and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Time Burial: The Collected Fantasy Tales of Howard Wandrei and
The Great Pulp Heroes
Aug. 1996:
[Stratemeyer Edition]
The Lady and the Press: Harriet Adams Courts America (by Ilana Nash)
The Search for Stratemeyer: Rosetta Stone (by John T. Dizer)
The Search for Stratemeyer: Twenty Minutes in the Archives (by Kathleen Chamberlain)
Stratemeyer Syndicate Archives Box 7856: or, What the NYPL Archives Revealed (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Reviews of Intimate Communities: Representation and Social Transformation in Women's College
Fiction; College Girls: A Century in Fiction; and Series Books and the Media; or,
This Isn't All! An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Sources
June 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Pirate Story Series
Pirates (by W. O. G. Lofts)
Convention Report: Viva Las Vegas! [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by Sam Sherman and J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Tom Swift and His Amazing Works Catalog; A Collector's Guide
to Hardcover Series Books; or, Tracing the Trail of Harry Hudson; and Jerry Todd
and the Whispering Mummy
Membership List
Apr. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Pall Mall Series
Boys' Life: The Real Beginnings (by John T. Dizer)
The Great Golden Hours Serial of 1900 Revisited (by J. Randolph Cox)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 24B (by Richard Bleiler)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Adventure Parade [Charles Alden Seltzer](by Rocco Musemeche)
Our Popular Publishers No. 5: Beadle & Adams (by J. Randolph Cox)
Review of Pulp Masters
Feb. 1996:
Dime Novel Sketches: Adventure Series
The Mystery of Mysticism: A Theme for Popular Fiction (by Alan Pickrell)
The Great Golden Hours Serial of 1900 (by J. Randolph Cox)
Adventure Parade [Frank L. Packard](by Rocco Musemeche)
Our Popular Publishers No. 4: Norman L. Munro (by J. Randolph Cox)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of What Katy Read: Feminist Re-Readings of "Classic" Stories for Girls;
Victorian Yellowbacks and Paperbacks;
and Death Stalks the Night; and Horatio Alger Books Published by Whitman
Publishing Co.
Dec. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Bandit Series
Richard Lingeman's Myth Making: Theodore Dreiser's Editing of the
Jack Harkaway Stories (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Trends in Pulp Magazine Research (by Richard Bleiler, with additional material by Ed Lauterbach
and Tom Johnson)
Fulminations [on the TV series Legend -- comparing the character and Judson] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Adventure Parade [about Fred MacIsaac] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Reviews of Jerry Todd Detective and Oz-story Magazine
Dec. supplement:Year's Work in Dime Novels, Series Books, and Pulp Magazines -- 1994 [annotated bibliography]
Oct. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Nicodemus Legend Dime Novels [fictitious -- from the TV series]
The Legendary Exploits of Ernest Pratt; or, A Dime Novelist as His Own Hero. The Story of
the Legend Television Series (by J. Randolph Cox)
Gustave Aimard's Novels Concerning the Texas War for Independence from Mexico [Part II](by James L. Evans)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 24 (by Walter Albert)
Young Wild West in the Movies ("reprints of trade paper synopses and reviews")
Reviews of Rediscovering Nancy Drew and Wild West Show!
Aug. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Early Western Life Series
Gustave Aimard's Novels Concerning the Texas War for Independence from Mexico [Part I](by James L. Evans)
Popular Culture in the Library of Congress: A Report on a Symposium (by J. Randolph Cox)
Reviews of Louisa May Alcott Unmasked: Collected Thrillers; One More River;
June 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: American Detective Series
James Otis Kaler's Silver Fox Farm Series: Aviation Reaches the New England Coast (by David K. Vaughan)
Just Like the Original: The Story of the Happy Hours Brotherhood and Dime Novel Club
Facsimile Reprints [with bibliographic listing] (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Convention Report: Philadelphia Phantastic! [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Young Wild West in the Movies ("reprints of trade paper synopses and reviews")
Apr. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: Railroad Series
Biological Bomba-ast; or, A Real Old Naturalist's Secret (by Douglas A. Rossman)
"Pioneers, Passionate Ladies, and Private Eyes": Library of Congress To Hold Symposium (by Clark W. Evans)
Our Popular Publishers, No. 3: George Munro (by J. Randolph Cox)
Literary References
Reviews of Lester Dent: The Man, His Craft and His Market and Who's Who, What's
What, and Where's Where in Oz
Feb. 1995:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Flashlight Detective Series
Young Wild West in the Movies (by Larry Latham)
Is There Hope for Hope? or, Battling with the Bobbseys (by John T. Dizer)
Reviews of From Jo March's Attic: Stories of Intrigue and Suspense;
The Bayport Companion, 2nd ed.; and The Girls Series Companion, 1994 ed.
Dec. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Majestic Series
Mr. Moto and the Pulps (by Jon M. Suter)
Another Syndicate Pseudonym? (by Deidre Johnson)
Bicycles, Bicycles, Bicycles [bicycles in Alcott, Castlemon, Stratemeyer] (by Cecil K. Bilgewater)
The Great Foreigh Legion Storyteller: A Sampling of Thibault Corday (by Rocco Musemeche)
Convention Report: Pulpcon 23 (by Richard Bleiler)
Reviews of Yellowback Library Directory of Series Book Collectors 1994-95
and Farah's Guide to Nancy Drew Books and Collectibles 10th ed.
Oct. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Lucky Series
Today's Hardy Boys Adventures: A Social-Developmental Analysis (by Ian McMahan)
Electronic Alger? or Popular Fiction via Modem (by Deidre A. Johnson)
Our Popular Publishers: No. 2: Street & Smith (by J. Randolph Cox)
Aug. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Library of American Authors
The Dime Novel as Scapegoat for Juvenile Crime: Anthony Comstock's Campaign to Suppress
the "Half-Dime" Western of the 1880s (by John Springhall)
Our Popular Publishers: No. One: Frank Tousey (by J. Randolph Cox)
Maum Guinea: Beadle's Unusual Jewel (by Clark Evans)
June 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Laurel Library
Sam S. Hall's Portrayal of Juan Cortina in Dime Novels (by James L. Evans)
Pulp Magazine Liason between Reader and Publisher (by Rocco Musemeche)
Convention Report: Windy Chicago/Historic Convention [PCA/ACA] (by J. Randolph Cox)
The LeBlanc Bibliographic Listings (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Apr. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: The Boys' Dashaway Series
Biological Bomba-ast; or, A Real Old Naturalist's Secret (by Douglas A. Rossman)
The WASP in Perpetuity [stereotypes in series books] (by Alan Pickrell)
Priceless Memories from Long Ago (by Rocco Musemeche)
Feb. 1994:
Dime Novel Sketches: Seaside Library (Pocket Edition)
The Syndicate of Rascals: The Men behind Nick Carter (by J. Randolph Cox)
Chums (by Darrell C. Richardson)
Delightful Reading (by Rocco Musemeche)
Lee and Shepard of Boston [reprint from Ballou's Monthly Magazine, March 1869
Dec. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Western Series
Prentis Ingraham's Beadles Dime Novels about Buck Taylor (by James L. Evans)
Numismatics according to Beadle (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
The "Lost Merriwells" - I: Frank Merriwell's Venture (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Oct. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Frank Allen Series
The Unknown Percy Keese Fitzhugh (by John T. Dizer)
Don Sturdy, Did He Ever Stay Home? (by John Musemeche)
Books and Pulps: Our Better Sense of Values (by Rocco Musemeche)
Aug. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Nat Ridley Series
Nick Carter, Schoolmaster (by J. Randolph Cox)
Playful Andrew (by Rocco Musemeche)
Andrew and His Aftermath (by Gilbert K. Westgard II)
Edward S. Ellis's Novels of the Great Sioux Uprising of 1862 (by Randall C. Davis)
June 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Larry Dexter Series
Frank Merriwell "Didn't Inhale" Either (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Compelling Cover Cuties [dust-jackets by Bert Salg] (by Rocco Musemeche)
"What Do You Mean, The Dime Novel Is Dead?" [reviews of Deadwood Dick and
the Code of the West and Fairground Fiction] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Apr. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Movie Boys Series
The Boy Scouts Versus the Series Books - conclusion (by John T. Dizer)
Joseph E. Badger's Portrayal of the Ghost Dance in Beadle Dime Novels
(by James L. Evans)
Feb. 1993:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dave Fearless Series
The Boy Scouts Versus the Series Books - part II (by John T. Dizer)
Gold Gulch; or Pandy Ellis' Last Trail [reprint from Pluck and Luck #387
(1 Nov. 1905)] (by "an Old Scout")
Pulp Magazine Musings (by Rocco Musemeche)
Dec. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Border Series
The Boy Scouts Versus the Series Books - part I (by John T. Dizer)
In Tribute to Theodore Roscoe (by Rocco Musemeche)
From Fearnought to Fearnot: A Question of Origin (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Oct. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Dashaway Series
Stratemeyer's Garden City Publishing Venture and How It Grew (by William R. Gowen)
An Author-Publisher in the Field [Charles Henry Day] [rpt. from Gleason's Literary Companion, 1861]
Aug. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Cowboy Series
Virgins, Vamps, and Villains: Women in the Bloody Pulps (by Leonard E. Hullar)
Defeating the Dastardly Dons with Dime Novels; or, Aiding Old Glory in Cuba, 1898-1902 (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Newsstand and Desk [Burroughs Memorial Collection, U of KY, Louisville] (by Rocco Musemeche)
Stratemeyer and His Pen-Names (by John T. Dizer)
June 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: War Library -- Pocket Edition
The Educating Story-Teller: Lewis Theiss and the Jimmy Donnelly Air Mail Books (by David K. Vaughan)
How Tom Swift Invented Everything (by John T. Dizer)
Report from Louisville [PCA/ACA Conference 1992] (by J. Randolph Cox)
Apr. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Merriwell Library
Portrayal of Big Foot Wallace in Beadle Dime Novels (by James L. Evans)
Bracebridge Hemyng; Man or Myth (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Feb. 1992:
Dime Novel Sketches: Burt L. Standish Library
The Letters of Harriet and Leon Lewis to Robert Bonner (by Arlene Moore)
Nick Carter Out West; or, The Great New York Detective in a New Setting (by J. Randolph Cox)
How to Treat Those Musty and Buggy Books [two paragraphs] (by Irene Gurman)
Dec. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Merriwell Series
Louisa May Alcott & Frank M. Lupton (by Madeleine B. Stern)
"Every Girls' Ambition": Careers in Series Fiction, 1940-1970 (by Kathleen Reuter Chamberlain)
American Dime Novel Reprints in Europe (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Why Alger Could Still Be the Author of "I'm Old Today" (by Victor A. Berch)
Francis Worcester Doughty: A Retrospective (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Oct. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: New York Library
A Glimpse of Cheap Publishers in Antebellum Bostom (by Ronald J. Zboray)
Frederick Nelson Litten's Tribute to the U. S. Army Air Corps: The Jimmie Rhodes Stories (by David K. Vaughan)
The Secret Life of Mary Nestor (by Jack [John T.] Dizer)
Nippy Weston: Girl Flyer (by John Sullivan)
Aug. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Hub 10c Library
American Profits: Moral Capitalism in Horatio Alger Jr.'s 'Ragged Dick' (by John Ernst)
Marion Marlowe in New York; or, Urban Images in Street & Smith's My Queen Dime Novel Series (by Deidre Johnson)
Report from San Antonio [PCA/ACA Conference 1991] (by J. Randolph Cox)
June 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Sheldon Novels
Doc Savage and American History (by Leonard E. Huller)
The Merriwell Miracle Man [biographical sketch of Gilbert Patten] (by Sid Moses)
The Rivals: A Footnote in Story Paper History [Star Spangled Banner and
Flag of Our Union] (by Victor A. Berch)
Victor St. Clair [rpt.: "Golden Hours, 1890s"] (by Willis Edwin Hurd)
Horatio Alger's Pen Name of "Cantab" [paragraph] (by Irene Gurman)
Apr. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: New Southworth Library
The Hess Collection: Past, Present, and Future [U of MN, Mpls] (by Deidre Johnson)
Frank Merriwell Vs. Fred Fearnot (by Ralph P. Smith) [rpt. from Frank Reade Library, 1928]
Three Novelists Who Didn't Bite the Dust [Doughty, Senarens, Shea] (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Feb. 1991:
Dime Novel Sketches: Diamond Hand-Book Series
Prentiss Ingraham's Dime Novels Based on His Experiences in the Cuban War for Independence (by James L. Evans)
Personal Sketches: Sinclair Tousey, the Newsman [rpt. from New York Mail, June 4, 1868]
Searching for Bertha M. Clay: Problems in Researching the Topic and Areas for Further Study (by Arlene Moore)
Dec. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: 20th Century Handbooks
Nicholas Carter, Detective (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographic Rambles No. 10: Capt. Mayne Reid (by Peter C. Walther)
Concerning The Young Builders of Swiftdale (by Jack T. Dizer)
An Alger Misattribution
Oct. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Select Library
Pioneer of Aviation Series Books: Harry L. Sayer and the Airship Boys (by David K. Vaughan)
"Football Fields and Ship Decks" [bio-bibliography of Ralph Payne] (by Jack Schorr)
Collecting Dime Novels in the 1990s; or, Captured by Old King Brady (by "A Novice Collector")
Aug. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Clover Series
Impressions of Edward Stratemeyer; or, Stratemeyer -- The Man (by Jack T. Dizer)
Report from Toronto [PCA/ACA Convention] (by Randy Cox)
Three Letters from Gilbert Patten (from E. Michael Saavedra)
A Merriwell Genealogy; or, "You Can't Tell the Players Without a Scorecard" (by Roaring Mike)
Allen Chapman's Bound To Rise; or, The Boys of Spring Hill (by Jack T. Dizer)
June 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Traymore Series
Conflicts along the Rio Grande in Beadle Dime Novels (by James L. Evans)
Florence LeBlanc -- An Appreciation (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
Hardy Boy Notes -- The Epic: Rebels and Mystical Men (by John M. Enright)
A Letter from George Waldo Browne [to W. J. Benners, 1911]
Still More Notes on the Alger Bibliography (by Victor A. Berch)
Review: Old Sleuth's Freaky Female Detectives
April 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Eagle Library / Eagle Series / New Eagle Series
Our Relations: How Dime Novels Became Series Books (by J. Randolph Cox)
Bibliographic Rambles No. 8 -- "Edna Winfield" (by Peter C. Walther)
Uncovering a New Alger Pseudonym and Further Additions to the Alger Bibliography (by Victor A. Berch)
Another Poem Added to the Alger Bibliography (by Victor A. Berch)
Feb. 1990:
Dime Novel Sketches: Bertha Clay Library
Thomson Burtis' Rex Lee Aviation Stories (by David K. Vaughan)
Frank Merriwell Off Broadway; or, On Stage in Leadville, Colorado, 1898 (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
Popular Books at Popular Prices: The Rise and Fall of Paperback Publishing in 19th Century America (by Deidre Johnson)
Dec. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Arrow Library
Anthony Comstock's Lifelong Crusade Against "Vampire Literature" (by Lydia Cushman Schurman)
More Notes on the Alger Bibliography (by Gary Scharnhorst)
Bibliographic Rambles No. 6 -- Edward Stratemeyer (by Peter C. Walther)
The Living Endpapers [Hardy Boys] (by John M. Enright)
Oct. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Cheerful Adventure Library (New Series)
Hap Arnold's Bill Bruce Boys Series (by David K. Vaughan)
An Open Letter to the Readers of the Dime Novel Roundup [PCA/ACA Conference] (by J. Randolph Cox)
A Catalog of Papers Presented on Dime Novels [at the] American Culture Association, 1984-1989
Frank Merriwell on Broadway (by Fred L. King)
Choice Passages [from Ade's Bang! Bang! ] (presented by Victor A. Berch)
Aug. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Aldine Boys' First Rate Pocket Library
The Dime Novel and Its Successors (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
Harriet Admas: The Secret of the Old Clock (by John M. Enright)
A Correction to Johannsen's House of Beadle and Adams (by Victor A. Berch)
Further Additions and Corrections to Horatio Alger's Short Stories and Poetry (by Victor A. Berch)
The Horatio Alger Society: A Variety of Religious Experience [reprinted from Bootblack] (by Robert Forrey)
June 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Temperance Library
Down with the Kaiser and Up with the Flag; or, How the Boy Scouts of America Won the First
World War (by Paul Holsinger)
Bibliographic Rambles: Kirk Munroe (by Peter C. Walther)
April 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Aldine Invention, Travel & Adventure Library
Francis S(hubael) Smith of Street and Smith (by Stanley A. Pachon)
Recycling and Respectability (by E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra)
[19th-century dramatizations of dime novels] (letter from Victor A. Berch)
Feb. 1989:
Dime Novel Sketches: Deadwood Dick Library
Jack Harkaway (by Edward T. LeBlanc)
The Girl Pioneers of America: A Tale To Be Told (by Robert L. George)
Dime Novel Round-Up is published six times a year. Subscriptions are $20/year; $35/two years. Single issues, $4/ea.
Direct inquiries to Editor: J. Randolph Cox, Dime Novel Round-Up, P. O. Box 226, Dundas MN 55019
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